My wife is a doctor of 10+ years now and has been in the same hospital system her entire career. So naturally, I talk to a lot of doctors. I intimately understand that the planning needs of doctors are different and more complex than the average person. We’ve created a plan specifically tailored to the needs of doctors. Below is a video of the President of one of our partner firms where he discusses how we work with doctors differently than the average advisor.
We specialize in working with Pharma reps. Why? It started when a client that had been in the Pharma industry her entire career called us and said she was let go in a reorg. It's long, crazy story. But she ended up working for 3 companies in a 4 year span after that happened. After that she was mentally exhausted and was looking for a way out. At that point she had been our client for 3 years. Her previous advisors had put together a conventional retirement plan for her. She had enough $$$ to retire, but because of the conventional planning she had done over the last 20 years, she was forced to do another 5 years in Pharma before that could happen. Had she worked with us over thelast 20 years, that wouldn't have been the case. We talk to people like you every day. And we hear the same story over and over. You saved how you were always told. You make great $$$. But by the time you hit your 50s, you're burnt out. But you have no choice but to continue the grind because you took the conventional retirement route. So we put together a plan tailored to Pharma reps that: